Showing 49 - 64 of 89
T'ai Chi Ch'uan The Martial Side by Michael Babin
Tai chi ch'uan was developed by pragmatic men who were determined to "do unto others before they had it done unto them." Unfortunately, the art has assumed a pseudospiritual veneer from its contact with the New Age movement.
Muhammed Ali - The Glory Years by Felix Dennis & Don Atyeo
Based on exclusive first-hand interviews and years of research, Muhammad Ali: The Glory Years celebrates the life and achievements of one of the world's greatest athletes and media icons.
Katana Sageo Cord Red & White
Sageo is for tying around the Katana Saya or scabbard, either a replacement or to change the colour and look of your Katana.
Enso Martial Arts Shop
Enso Dipped Foam Sparring Boots Blue
Dipped Foam Semi Contact Sparring Boots for Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Taekwondo and other styles of Martial Arts for sparring practice in your club and competitions
The Martial Arts by Michael Random
The Japanese martial arts described in this book include Swordsmanship, Archery, Kendo, Aikido, Judo, Karate and Sumo Wrestling.
Punch Bag Ceiling Hook *Used*
Hang you Punch bag from this Punch Bag Ceiling Hook and have loads of space to move and train around your punch bag in your gym, home or garage
The T'ai Chi Workbook by Paul Crompton
Here at last is a Tai Chi manual that is more than just a step-by-step description of movements it also presents a methodical way for Westerners
Unseen Archives Boxing by Tim Hill
A book of unseen photographs from boxing history. Superbly illustrated with photographs from the Daily Mail archives, 'Boxing'
Long Life Good Health through Tai-Chi Chuan by Simmone Kuo
In 1965 Sifu Kuo Lien- Ying, a Chinese master of Tai- Chi Chuan, brought with him to the United States the traditional form of Tai-Chi from which the many other family-named forms were derived.
In Black & White by Donald McRae
Joe Louis and Jesse Owens have been hailed as American icons since 1935. That summer, within weeks of each other, they emerged as the first black stars of world sport.
The Making of Raging Bull by Mike Evans
The history of modern cinema is marked by seminal motion pictures that were genuinely radical in their time and have left a lasting impression ever since.
Muhammad Ali The Greatest by Alan Goldstein
“I AM THE GREATEST," proclaimed the young fighter from Louisville. Most boxing fans criticised this upstart and few believed he had the skills to justify such a statement.
An Introduction to T'ai Chi (Martial Arts) by Alan Peck
In this introduction, Alan Peck explains how tai chi is essentially a system of self defence which teaches a flexible and yielding response to confrontation, and promotes balance, harmony and peace in daily life.